A mere 24 hours later, mischief strikes again. The vending machines in the same school were miraculously liberated last night-that is, the food inside became an exercise in food jail breaking. There was no need for coins; students only had to push the buttons for their desired snack and the machine released them for free. You can see pictured here a puzzled janitor who is restocking a machine, unbeknownst of the unusual conditions, except that the machines were emptying at an alarming rate. Later that day, a hungry professor was so famished he stumbled right into a machine. Several bags of chips popped free and tumbled down at his feet, which had struck the machine's opening just in time. Realizing something was amiss, he ate the chips, contacted a janitor, and an end was put to the free eating. 
The good people of the school are still speculating if this is really the work of Sumi.
182 days
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