(We got these pictures from the Internet)
We went to I-K-E-A today!! The famous Swedish furniture, restaurant, and knick knack store, gripped our hearts with a painful suspense as we rounded the well familiar corner to find that the beloved building had been torn down. Not only was it clearly slated for rebuilding, collapsed sides, rubble hanging midair suspended by wires and mountains of refuse added to the weight of Ikea's lost presence. Luckily, within seconds a NEW Ikea came into view, a short jaunt in the car that reunited us with it in even more, open mouthed splendour. Compared to the broken down Ikea, and our memories of it, the NEW Ikea was sublime. Larger, newer, but the similarly a standout without being flashy, Ikea welcomed us in with sliding doors that whirred efficiently on their tracks. Once inside, wonder took hold again, and for the next couple hours, Ikea became our home.
I know we all want to remember the vivid sections of Ikea but let's not lie, we also want to "get to the goods", don't we?
Well, to sum it up, Ikea was the same as before, only split onto two levels. Perhaps it had lost some of its magic when we still dreamed of decorating our rooms to our heart's desire and spending the rest of our lives there. But nonetheless, the well organized and stocked store pleased us anew. Though the regular goods welcomed us from the shelves, enough time had passed to make them new again; even more fascinating were the new goods. In particular, the Kludd glass board
interested Doms. He said he'd gotten it if only he had realized it was in stock. Now you tell me if we're going back. Also, dorm room goods were scoped out for Em's future party stay at UBC like clothes drying racks but Ems wanted to be sure before we bought anything too big or unnecessary! Ems once again admired the flatpacking and arrows on the floors of the Ikea store. Doms admired this chair:

and this pillow, which is how they ended up in the trunk of our van. We think he's a bit racist in his color choices. Ems Olympic sprinted to find this mirror:
when she saw it on display with a wall full of them (Yes, those display rooms still are pretty good at convincing you that Ikea is boss at decorating and designing) She got back just in time, making the fastest color choosing decision ever (usually this takes half an hour) This sunny yellow means everlasting sunlight to her. However, Doms and Ems both agreed that these were worth having and remembering although not worth buying:
(More pictures to come with these guys!)
Oops, but we forgot to mention what we did first, didn't we? When we arrived, after a fun but too long lookabout at Lansdowne (Zellers...eew) it was almost twelve. Famished, we made a beeline for firs the washrooms (well lit and clean) and then the cafeteria. WOW!!! Were we astounded! It was organized just like a cafeteria or buffet, with TWO LEVEL CARTS to place your food!! The whole family couldn't wait to get their food and sit down on any one of the Ikea tables in the Ikea wonderland eating area. Ems got a egg salad sandwich, Doms got a chicken deal, and Moms and Dayds shared a plate of 20 Swedish meatballs and fries. Also, the worker accidentally overcharged us $4, possibly because of the generosity of Dom's server, who gave him an extra piece of chicken, making it look like another meal, so we drank lots of coffee. Boy was that good. The rest of the food was okay, filling but not phenomenally different in taste. The food area though, was a joy within itself. Low hanging lights lighted our table with a second storey view, making us feel like we owned the area. It was a sunny day, so it felt like we were eating even higher up or even outside. A meal of $25 is less than lum cha, and about the same as Mcdonalds, so guess which deal is the best?
Well, what's so WOW about this then? Obviously there is a lot of WOW involved in Ikea. However, for the scandalous portion of the WOW, you can bet that there is plenty as well.
Well, you know Miga...narcissistic to his stuffed core. He took the mirror and was promptly shocked when he saw his reflection. You know how jaw droppingly ugly Miga is backward. Well, that's why we pixelated the image. Miga scared himself, but you don't have it.
That's all for now!
172 days